Tackle societal challenges from a leadership standpoint.


Uncertainty as the new normal heightens divisive perspectives on societal challenges. Traditional governance frameworks need to be updated to address this new reality more effectively and inclusively.


Tembo Citizen reimagines leadership frameworks and designs collaborative solutions to bridge divisive perspectives on societal challenges and drive change, in partnership with like-minded organisations.


Tembo Citizen is a non-profit initiative powered by the Tusker Club managed by three of its members in a 2 year rotation.

Our Theory of Change

  • There is a growing consensus that leadership frameworks need to evolve to be more inclusive and effective in order to effectuate sustainable change.

  • Improving leadership frameworks require grasping both the practicality of management requirements and the perspective brought by theoretical frameworks on what drives organisations and decision-makers.

  • Every stakeholder holds a piece of the solution.

  • Our commitment to improve leadership frameworks drives us, but the change we want to see is shaped by practice and reflection on our leadership journey.

Who We Are

Tembo Citizen is a not-for-profit powered by the Tusker Club.


We see collaboration as a way to achieve impact at scale, rather than as a moral imperative.


Our curated network boasts extensive experience in collective intelligence and conflict management.


Tembo Citizen is managed by a rotating body of three members of the Tusker Club serving for two years.

Our Values

  • Confidentiality: we treat any information in our stewardship with the greatest care as we don’t know the value it may hold for others.

    Accountability: we take responsibility for our actions, shortcomings and share of successes alike.

    Awareness: we strive to be conscious of each other’s circumstances as they may affect the quality of our collaboration.

  • Integrity: we are honest even when it means being earnest, and don’t compromise on ethical trade-offs.

    Courage: we seek and deliver constructive feedback in the spirit of professional and personal development.

    Consistency: we strive to act in accordance with the values outlined in these House Rules.

  • Reciprocity: we value each other as equals and treat each other with respect, regardless of the nature of our business relationship.

    Excellence: we seek excellence in everything we do, regardless of the nature of the task.

    Humility: we acknowledge the limits of our individual capabilities and are grateful for our collaboration.

  • Commitment: we engage with unforeseen developments and novel ideas with sharpness and grace.

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