Who can work with Tembo Citizen

Organisations can bring their challenge to us and we will explore together whether a collaboration could help. Individuals who seek to contribute can directly contact the Tusker Club to join.

How is Tembo Citizen funded?

Tembo Citizen is funded by the Tusker Club, which also dedicates human resources, who are not retributed by Tembo Citizen. Partners may provide financial or in-kind support for specific projects.

Who are your partners?

Recognising that when it comes to societal challenges, every organisation holds a piece of the puzzle, we partner with a wide range of organisations, from academic institutions to NGOs, public entities, or private corporations. Partnerships are driven by the principles of good faith, mutual benefit, transparency, ethics, and compliance. All our partners share the same values.

What is your proprietary methodology?

Leveraging over a decade of conflict resolution and management experience, we have designed several frameworks and tools at the nexus of leadership and management. All are designed to improve awareness on the skills, processes, perceptions, and cultural factors that affect decision-making.

What is the relation between Tembo Citizen and the Tusker Club?

Tusker Club is home to a community of driven and singular leaders and a for-profit entity providing leadership advisory and talent development services. As a non-profit entity, Tembo Citizen is a vector for the Tusker Club to tackle societal challenges collaboratively.

Why did you choose that name?

In Swahili, ‘Tembo’ means elephant. We are inspired by those magnificent animals as they convey quiet strength. They have no predators and are predators to none. ‘Citizen’ reflects the importance of understanding the underlying social contract underlying the way societal challenges are being addressed.