Get situated to achieve your vision

Our proprietary methodology is akin to a geography of management, providing leaders with a practical tool to make better decisions, empowering them to bring efficient solutions at scale without losing context relevance.


A mindset turned into a methodology

Your strategy is a social contract

Recognising the fundamental political dimension of your business decisions will help you thrive sustainably.

All decisions contain a trade-off between efficiency vs. legitimacy

“Good” decisions aim for performance without overlooking perceived fairness.

“How” is as important than “what”

There is so much we learn by doing: trusting the process will help you secure the biggest prize in the long-run.

When stuck, change perspective

Your stakeholders are resourceful: create a safe space to tap into their knowledge and experience.

There is no such thing as a “good” decision

You are part of an ecosystem: what ‘good’ is, is a matter of perception and depends on the relational dynamics at play.

It’s “good” only when others can justify it to yourself

If you want ambassadors, you need to embrace their perspective too.

A “good” decision achieves “4 Cs”

  • Clarity

    Understand what’s at stake and set targets.

  • Consistency

    Plan delivery in a resource-efficient manner.

  • Convergence

    Rally support by engaging key constituencies.

  • Consciousness

    Promote a culture and leave a legacy.

Use cases

We help you reconcile scales to improve decision-making

  • Clarify the strategic positioning of your organisation, taking into account the perceptions of your stakeholders regarding the relevance and legitimacy of your decisions, driving their acceptability and impact.

  • Streamline your strategy to focus on what matters and divest areas where resources are not needed to achieve your goals or address expectations.

  • Help teams leverage their diversity to deliver on your strategic goals and better manage internal conflicts, driving effectiveness and satisfaction.

  • Tailor talent development to individual needs, and help leaders at all seniority levels to align their practice with their values, eventually promoting the culture your organisation seek to uphold.

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